Session 17: Seeing Eye Bot


Chapter 9: Part 1
Seeing Eye Bot

IcebreakerWhat is the weirdest food you have ever eaten?


Key Vocabulary:

Robotics: Robotics is a branch of computer science that deals with building machines that use code to complete tasks. Robots are being built every day to do amazing things, from assisting doctors to exploring the bottom of the ocean. 

Read and Reflect:
You may answer these questions in the comment section below:

1. In this passage, there are many different uses for robots. Which of these uses stood out or you? Why?
2. Did your idea of what a robot is and what it is used for change as you read the passage? If so, how did it change? If not, why not?
3. Who were the creators of Seeing Eye Bot? What was their goal in creating this game? Do you think they met their goal?
4. Give an example of where the creators of the Seeing Eye Bot were brave.


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