Session 16: Fashion


Chapter 8: Part 2

Icebreaker: If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?


Key Vocabulary:

Algorithmic Composition: Algorithmic Composition means using algorithms, or step-by-step lists of instructions, to create music with computers. Imagine a symphony written entirely by robots!
Digital Art and Design: Digital art and design bring technology into the process of creating art and designs, from editing photos to using code to lighting a scene in an animated movie.

Read and Reflect:
You may answer these questions in the comment section below:

1. In this passage, the book gives examples of how coding is used in visual art, fashion, and music. Share your favorite example and why you liked it best. 
2. Who is Danielle Fienberg? How does she use computer science in her day-to-day job?
3. In the passage about Danielle, the book talks about "happy accidents." What was Danielle's example of a happy accident? Have you ever had a happy accident while trying something?


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